by Holly Cary | Aug 7, 2023 | From the Experts
Microsoft Cross- Tenant Migration: The Hidden Cost Microsoft Cross- Tenant Migration Tool : Free No More? In a recent online video, Mark, a seasoned IT consultant who calls himself The Cloud Geezer, shared his discovery about the “free” cross-tenant migration tool...
by Holly Cary | Aug 1, 2023 | From the Experts
EDU: When it Makes Sense to Separate Cloud Tenants Migration activity at colleges and universities has trended toward consolidating tenants in the cloud. These efforts are helping institutions decrease costs, optimize resources, and scale with greater flexibility. In...
by Holly Cary | Feb 28, 2023 | From the Experts
BitTitan MigrationWiz vs. Microsoft Cross-Tenant OneDrive Migration If you ask a lot of our customers, they’d say MigrationWiz is the only solution for a successful migration. Of course, we’re perfectly happy to have everyone believe that. But there are other...
by Holly Cary | Feb 22, 2023 | From the Experts
Comparing MigrationWiz and Mailbox Replication Service for Tenant Migrations When you’re planning a migration, it’s not the time to experiment with migration tools. In fact, there isn’t really a practical way to test different solutions before you execute your...
by BitTitan Staff | Jul 27, 2022 | From the Experts
Consolidation 101: How consolidating tenants can improve cost management, security, collaboration and engagement The recent and widespread shift to remote operations has led to a flurry of activity for many MSPs and IT service providers. They’ve had to quickly spin up...
by Phil Herold | Jun 11, 2021 | BitTitan Experts
MSP Alert: The Rise in Tenant-to-Tenant Migrations for Microsoft 365 Over the last three years, there has been a sharp uptick in migrations between Microsoft 365 tenants. Otherwise known as tenant-to-tenant or T2T migrations, these scenarios have become more...