Add-BT_Endpoint -Ticket <Ticket> -Type <MailboxConnectorTypes> -Configuration <Configuration> [-Environment <string>] [-Id <guid>] [-IsDeleted <bool>] [-Created <datetime>] [-Updated <datetime>] [-Version <int>] [-SystemUserId <guid>] [-OrganizationId <guid>] [-Name <string>] [-ExternalId <string>] [-ConfigurationChecksum <long>] [-TenantId <string>] [-TenantName <string>] [-ClientId <guid>] [-SyncMode <EndpointSyncMode>] [-GroupId <guid>] [-IsArchived <bool>] [-ResourceId <guid>] [-AccessLevel <AccessLevel>] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-BT_Endpoint -Ticket <Ticket> -EndpointUrl <string> -Type <MailboxConnectorTypes> -Configuration <Configuration> [-Id <guid>] [-IsDeleted <bool>] [-Created <datetime>] [-Updated <datetime>] [-Version <int>] [-SystemUserId <guid>] [-OrganizationId <guid>] [-Name <string>] [-ExternalId <string>] [-ConfigurationChecksum <long>] [-TenantId <string>] [-TenantName <string>] [-ClientId <guid>] [-SyncMode <EndpointSyncMode>] [-GroupId <guid>] [-IsArchived <bool>] [-ResourceId <guid>] [-AccessLevel <AccessLevel>] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-BT_Endpoint adds a(an) BT_Endpoint. Represents an external endpoint that we support in MSPC (e.g. O365, G Suite, Exchange 2007, Azure Storage, DropBox…) along with its configuration (admin credentials, container name, domains).
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Available values are listed below.
Value | Description |
None | None. |
ExchangeServer | Exchange server. |
Gmail | Gmail. |
POP | POP. |
ExchangeOnline2 | Exchange online. |
GroupWise | GroupWise. |
Zimbra | Zimbra. |
Lotus | Lotus Notes. |
Aws | Amazon Web Services. |
GoogleDrive | Google Drive. |
OneDrivePro | One Drive for Business via CSOM API. |
ExchangeOnlineChina | Office 365 China. |
Pst | PST. |
GoogleVault | GoogleVault. |
PstInternalStorage | PST. |
OX | Open-XChange. |
DropBox | Drop Box. |
BoxStorage | Box. |
AzureFileSystem | File system. |
AzureFileSystemInternalStorage | File system. |
SharePoint | SharePoint Import/Export via CSOM API. Administrator only legacy migration ProjectType. |
SonianArchivePhase2 | Sonian archive project. |
Eml | EML project. |
AwsMassStorage | AWS mass storage system. |
AzureBlobMassStorage | AFS blob mass storage system. |
BitTitanCloudArchivePhase2 | Obsolete - do not use. BitTitan cloud archive Phase 2 project (equivalent to Sonian Archive Phase 2 type). |
InMemory | In memory connector. |
SonianArchivePhase1 | Sonian Archive Phase 1 project (equivalent to EML). |
BitTitanCloudArchivePhase1 | Obsolete - do not use. BitTitan cloud archive Phase 1 project (equivalent to Sonian Archive Phase 1 type). |
BlockStorageEml | Eml as source. |
BlockStorageMsg | Msg as source. |
Office365Groups | Office 365 Groups. |
GoogleSites | Google Sites. |
ExchangeServerPublicFolder | Public folder. This value is used by Mspc only and allows to use the right configuration depending on the endpoint type. |
ExchangeOnlinePublicFolder | Exchange Online for use with public folder projects. This value is used by MSPC only and allows to use the right configuration depending on the endpoint type. |
ExchangeOnlineChinaPublicFolder | Exchange Online (China) for use with public folder projects. This value is used by MSPC only and allows to use the right configuration depending on the endpoint type. |
DynamicsCrm | Type for use with Dynamics Crm. |
SalesforceCrm | Type for use with Salesforce Crm. |
OneDriveProAPI | Obsolete - do not use. One Drive for Business via Migration API. |
SharePointOnlineAPI | Obsolete - do not use. SharePoint Online via Migration API. |
WorkMail | AWS WorkMail. |
AzureSubscription | Azure subscription. |
AMS | AMS. |
ActiveDirectoryForest | Active directory forest. |
ExchangeOnlineGermany | Office 365 Germany. |
ExchangeOnlineGermanyPublicFolder | Exchange Online (Germany) for use with public folder projects. This value is used by MSPC only and allows to use the right configuration depending on the endpoint type. |
VSphere | VMware vSphere. |
Network | Network. |
ExchangeOnlineUsGovernment | Office 365 US Government. |
ExchangeOnlineUsGovernmentPublicFolder | Exchange Online (US Government) for use with public folder projects. This value is used by MSPC only and allows to use the right configuration depending on the endpoint type. |
Generic | Generic application. |
Gateway | Gateway. |
MicrosoftTeamsSource | Microsoft Teams source (deprecated). |
MicrosoftTeamsDestination | Microsoft Teams destination (deprecated). |
HybridSource | Hybrid source. |
HybridDestination | Hybrid destination. |
GSuite | GSuite. |
MicrosoftTeamsSourceParallel | Microsoft Teams source. |
MicrosoftTeamsDestinationParallel | Microsoft Teams destination. |
GoogleDriveCustomerTenant | Google Drive using customer tenant service account. |
SharePointBeta | SharePoint migration with BitTitan.SharePoint.Import. |
MicrosoftTeamsDestinationImportApi | Microsoft Teams destination import api. |
GoogleSharedDrive | Google shared drive. |
OneDriveOnline | OneDrive migration with BitTitan.SharePoint.Import. |
MicrosoftPlannerSource | Microsoft Planner source. |
MicrosoftPlannerDestination | Microsoft Planner destination. |
GoogleGroups | Google Groups |
MicrosoftTeamsPrivateChatSource | Microsoft Teams Private chat source. |
MicrosoftTeamsPrivateChatDestination | Microsoft Teams Private chat destination. |
GoogleVaultCloud | Google Vault migration from client extractor tool to MW Cloud. |
AzureStorage | Azure Storage. |
MicrosoftTeamsDestinationV3 | Microsoft Teams destination (default speedster). |
GoogleModernSites | Google Modern Sites. |
SharePointSites | SharePoint Sites. |
AdSourceAgent | Ad Agent. |
AdTargetAgent | Ad Agent. |
MicrosoftTeamsPrivateChatSourceGCCH | Microsoft Teams Private chat source. |
MicrosoftTeamsPrivateChatDestinationGCCH | Microsoft Teams Private chat destination. |
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Available values are listed below.
Value | Description |
BT | Represents BT |
Beta | Represents Beta |
Develop | Represents Develop |
Release | Represents Release |
Test | Represents Test |
China | Represents China |
Germany | Represents Germany |
Alpha | Represents Alpha |
Today | Represents Today |
Sandbox-02 | Represents Sandbox-02 |
Sandbox-03 | Represents Sandbox-03 |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Available values are listed below.
Value | Description |
NoSync | Do not sync the endpoint. |
OnGoing | Periodically sync the endpoint. |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Different servers require different configuration fields.
e.g Exchange Server's configuration requires username, password as well as url.
Ticket requirement
Endpoints are under customers, thus a ticket scoped to a customer is required.
-------------------------- Example 1 -------------------------
# Initialize a configuration for Exhange Online 2 server
$importConfiguraton = New-Object -TypeName ManagementProxy.ManagementService.ExchangeConfiguration -Property @{
"AdministrativeUsername" = "your user name";
"AdministrativePassword" = "your password";
"UseAdministrativeCredentials" = $true;
"ExchangeItemType" = "Mail";
# Get a ticket scoped to customer OrganizationId
$scopedBtTicket = Get-BT_Ticket -Ticket $btTicket -OrganizationId $customer.OrganizationId
# Add a new end point
$endpoint1 = Add-BT_Endpoint -Ticket $scopedBtTicket -Configuration $importConfiguraton -Type ExchangeOnline2 -Name your-end-point-name