

Set-BT_Endpoint -Ticket <Ticket> -endpoint <EndpointDTO[]> [-Environment <string>] [-Id <guid>] [-IsDeleted <bool>] [-Created <datetime>] [-Updated <datetime>] [-Version <int>] [-SystemUserId <guid>] [-OrganizationId <guid>] [-Name <string>] [-ExternalId <string>] [-Type <MailboxConnectorTypes>] [-Configuration <Configuration>] [-ConfigurationChecksum <long>] [-TenantId <string>] [-TenantName <string>] [-ClientId <guid>] [-SyncMode <EndpointSyncMode>] [-IsArchived <bool>] [-ResourceId <guid>] [-AccessLevel <AccessLevel>] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-BT_Endpoint -Ticket <Ticket> -EndpointUrl <string> -endpoint <EndpointDTO[]> [-Id <guid>] [-IsDeleted <bool>] [-Created <datetime>] [-Updated <datetime>] [-Version <int>] [-SystemUserId <guid>] [-OrganizationId <guid>] [-Name <string>] [-ExternalId <string>] [-Type <MailboxConnectorTypes>] [-Configuration <Configuration>] [-ConfigurationChecksum <long>] [-TenantId <string>] [-TenantName <string>] [-ClientId <guid>] [-SyncMode <EndpointSyncMode>] [-IsArchived <bool>] [-ResourceId <guid>] [-AccessLevel <AccessLevel>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

Set-BT_Endpoint sets a(an) BT_Endpoint. Represents an external endpoint that we support in MSPC (e.g. O365, G Suite, Exchange 2007, Azure Storage, DropBox…) along with its configuration (admin credentials, container name, domains).


Total Parameters: 34


Paremeter specs:

Required True
ValueFromPipeline True
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName True


Paremeter specs:

Required True
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required True
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Available values are listed below.

Value Description
BT Represents BT
Beta Represents Beta
Develop Represents Develop
Release Represents Release
Test Represents Test
China Represents China
Germany Represents Germany
Alpha Represents Alpha
Today Represents Today
Sandbox-02 Represents Sandbox-02
Sandbox-03 Represents Sandbox-03

Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Available values are listed below.

Value Description
NoSync Do not sync the endpoint.
OnGoing Periodically sync the endpoint.

Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Available values are listed below.

Value Description
None None.
ExchangeServer Exchange server.
Gmail Gmail.
ExchangeOnline2 Exchange online.
GroupWise GroupWise.
Zimbra Zimbra.
Lotus Lotus Notes.
Aws Amazon Web Services.
GoogleDrive Google Drive.
OneDrivePro One Drive for Business via CSOM API.
ExchangeOnlineChina Office 365 China.
Pst PST.
GoogleVault GoogleVault.
PstInternalStorage PST.
OX Open-XChange.
DropBox Drop Box.
BoxStorage Box.
AzureFileSystem File system.
AzureFileSystemInternalStorage File system.
SharePoint SharePoint Import/Export via CSOM API. Administrator only legacy migration ProjectType.
SonianArchivePhase2 Sonian archive project.
Eml EML project.
AwsMassStorage AWS mass storage system.
AzureBlobMassStorage AFS blob mass storage system.
BitTitanCloudArchivePhase2 Obsolete - do not use. BitTitan cloud archive Phase 2 project (equivalent to Sonian Archive Phase 2 type).
InMemory In memory connector.
SonianArchivePhase1 Sonian Archive Phase 1 project (equivalent to EML).
BitTitanCloudArchivePhase1 Obsolete - do not use. BitTitan cloud archive Phase 1 project (equivalent to Sonian Archive Phase 1 type).
BlockStorageEml Eml as source.
BlockStorageMsg Msg as source.
Office365Groups Office 365 Groups.
GoogleSites Google Sites.
ExchangeServerPublicFolder Public folder. This value is used by Mspc only and allows to use the right configuration depending on the endpoint type.
ExchangeOnlinePublicFolder Exchange Online for use with public folder projects. This value is used by MSPC only and allows to use the right configuration depending on the endpoint type.
ExchangeOnlineChinaPublicFolder Exchange Online (China) for use with public folder projects. This value is used by MSPC only and allows to use the right configuration depending on the endpoint type.
DynamicsCrm Type for use with Dynamics Crm.
SalesforceCrm Type for use with Salesforce Crm.
OneDriveProAPI Obsolete - do not use. One Drive for Business via Migration API.
SharePointOnlineAPI Obsolete - do not use. SharePoint Online via Migration API.
WorkMail AWS WorkMail.
AzureSubscription Azure subscription.
ActiveDirectoryForest Active directory forest.
ExchangeOnlineGermany Office 365 Germany.
ExchangeOnlineGermanyPublicFolder Exchange Online (Germany) for use with public folder projects. This value is used by MSPC only and allows to use the right configuration depending on the endpoint type.
VSphere VMware vSphere.
Network Network.
ExchangeOnlineUsGovernment Office 365 US Government.
ExchangeOnlineUsGovernmentPublicFolder Exchange Online (US Government) for use with public folder projects. This value is used by MSPC only and allows to use the right configuration depending on the endpoint type.
Generic Generic application.
Gateway Gateway.
MicrosoftTeamsSource Microsoft Teams source (deprecated).
MicrosoftTeamsDestination Microsoft Teams destination (deprecated).
HybridSource Hybrid source.
HybridDestination Hybrid destination.
GSuite GSuite.
MicrosoftTeamsSourceParallel Microsoft Teams source.
MicrosoftTeamsDestinationParallel Microsoft Teams destination.
GoogleDriveCustomerTenant Google Drive using customer tenant service account.
SharePointBeta SharePoint migration with BitTitan.SharePoint.Import.
MicrosoftTeamsDestinationImportApi Microsoft Teams destination import api.
GoogleSharedDrive Google shared drive.
OneDriveOnline OneDrive migration with BitTitan.SharePoint.Import.
MicrosoftPlannerSource Microsoft Planner source.
MicrosoftPlannerDestination Microsoft Planner destination.
GoogleGroups Google Groups
MicrosoftTeamsPrivateChatSource Microsoft Teams Private chat source.
MicrosoftTeamsPrivateChatDestination Microsoft Teams Private chat destination.
GoogleVaultCloud Google Vault migration from client extractor tool to MW Cloud.
AzureStorage Azure Storage.
MicrosoftTeamsDestinationV3 Microsoft Teams destination (default speedster).
GoogleModernSites Google Modern Sites.
SharePointSites SharePoint Sites.
AdSourceAgent Ad Agent.
AdTargetAgent Ad Agent.
MicrosoftTeamsPrivateChatSourceGCCH Microsoft Teams Private chat source.
MicrosoftTeamsPrivateChatDestinationGCCH Microsoft Teams Private chat destination.

Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False


Paremeter specs:

Required False
ValueFromPipeline False
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName False



