Set-BT_Workgroup -Ticket <Ticket> -workgroup <WorkgroupDTO[]> [-Environment <string>] [-Id <guid>] [-IsDeleted <bool>] [-Created <datetime>] [-Updated <datetime>] [-Version <int>] [-Name <string>] [-DefaultPaymentProfileId <guid>] [-ExchangeRateId <guid>] [-HasOptOutDistributorSuggestion <bool>] [-AccessLevel <AccessLevel>] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-BT_Workgroup -Ticket <Ticket> -EndpointUrl <string> -workgroup <WorkgroupDTO[]> [-Id <guid>] [-IsDeleted <bool>] [-Created <datetime>] [-Updated <datetime>] [-Version <int>] [-Name <string>] [-DefaultPaymentProfileId <guid>] [-ExchangeRateId <guid>] [-HasOptOutDistributorSuggestion <bool>] [-AccessLevel <AccessLevel>] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-BT_Workgroup sets a(an) BT_Workgroup. A workgroup is managing a list of customers. A workgroup may be associated with a payment profile. It also has a Plan Type which defines the level of features enabled in MSPC. Each master system user has access to one workgroup at least. A system user can invite somebody to manage his/her workgroup.
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | True |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | True |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Available values are listed below.
Value | Description |
BT | Represents BT |
Beta | Represents Beta |
Develop | Represents Develop |
Release | Represents Release |
Test | Represents Test |
China | Represents China |
Germany | Represents Germany |
Alpha | Represents Alpha |
Today | Represents Today |
Sandbox-02 | Represents Sandbox-02 |
Sandbox-03 | Represents Sandbox-03 |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |