Start-BT_DpUser -UserPrimaryEmails <string[]> -DestinationEmailAddresses <string[]> -CustomerId <guid> -Ticket <Ticket> [-StartTime <datetime>] [-ProductSkuId <guid>] [-Environment <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Start-BT_DpUser -UserPrimaryEmails <string[]> -DestinationEmailAddresses <string[]> -CustomerId <guid> -Ticket <Ticket> -EndpointUrl <string> [-StartTime <datetime>] [-ProductSkuId <guid>] [<CommonParameters>]
Start-BT_DpUser starts a(an) BT_DpUser. Represents the process of DeploymentPro for the input user. This is able to schedule for a new end user or reschedule for a scheduled one.
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | True |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Available values are listed below.
Value | Description |
BT | Represents BT |
Beta | Represents Beta |
Develop | Represents Develop |
Release | Represents Release |
Test | Represents Test |
China | Represents China |
Germany | Represents Germany |
Alpha | Represents Alpha |
Today | Represents Today |
Sandbox-02 | Represents Sandbox-02 |
Sandbox-03 | Represents Sandbox-03 |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Paremeter specs:
Required | False |
ValueFromPipeline | False |
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | False |
Ticket requirement
Ticket should be privileged or scoped to the customer organization.
User primary email address
Primary email address must be provided as the source.
Destination email address
Destination email address must be provided as the destination.
Product sku id
When scheduling for a new end user, make sure it has a valid subscription or input a product sku id with a valid license. License can be shared within a workgroup. Try to find the product sku id with Get-BT_ProductSkuID.
-------------------------- Example 1 -------------------------
# Retrieve a ticket scoped with a customer's organization id
$cred = Get-Credential
$ticket = Get-BT_Ticket -Credential $cred -OrganizationId $customerId
# Retrieve the product sku id for product DeploymentPro (product name might change subject to the license purchased)
$productskuid = Get-BT_ProductSkuID -Ticket $ticket -ProductName "DeploymentPro"
# Schedule a DeploymentPro for an end user from source email address to destination email address
Start-BT_DpUser -UserPrimaryEmail source_email_address -DestinationEmailAddress destination_email_address -StartTime start_datetime -Ticket $ticket -ProductSkuId $productskuid -CustomerId $customerId